Friday, August 10, 2007

Nude Hiking

Nude hiking is a pastime enjoyed by many adventurous free spirits who want to combine exercize of roaming natural trails with the freedom felt by nudism. It is an experience that makes for an unique set of precautions.

If you think you might like to try nude hiking, please be mindful that others you might encounter on the trail are likely to have varying reactions. Some might be offended, but there are just as many, if not more, who will be curious and amused by your choice.
While it may not be illegal to hike in the nude, it is always a good idea to check to be sure that your nude hiking won't be breaking any local area laws. The last thing you want is to be carted off by law enforcement right in the middle of your hike!

Plan for keeping yourself free from sunburn by bringing a good sunscreen. Areas of your body that aren't used to be exposed for long periods in the sun might end up uncomfortably burned if you don't take care.
Bring along a towel for times when you might want to take a break from your nude hiking to sit and rest on a patch of grass or a nearby boulder. This simple reminder will keep you comfortable during these rest periods. Also, before sitting be sure to check the grass for plants like Poison Oak or Poison Ivy. You certainly wouldn't want to risk an encounter with either of those while enjoying your hike.

Another thing to prepare for is the possibility of insect stings. If you have allergies to bee stings, bring along a first aid kit that includes your bee stung antidote. Be careful and enjoy your surroundings as you make your way along the hiking trail, but don't be surprised if nude hiking becomes your newest and most enjoyable hobby.

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