Friday, August 10, 2007

All About Hiking Food

Hiking food is something you should give thoughtful consideration to, especially if you are planning an extended hike. Your choice of food will determine how much room you need for carrying supplies and how heavy your backpack will be as you hike. You want to plan for foods that are high in nutrition, but won't weigh you down.

Even if you don't think you will be out for very long, it's still a good idea to plan ahead and pack several snacks, just in case. You might end up out longer than you had anticipated and if you get lost on the hiking trail you don't want to be caught with no food or drink until you find your bearings again.

Tuna and crackers or cheese and peanut butter are high in protein and will last longer in your system than other foods. These hiking foods will keep you from feeling draggy and listless due to eating an overly heavy or greasy meal while hiking. Simple energy bars, jerky , granola and dried fruit make good hiking food choices that are portable and don't have special storage requirements.

A favorite hiking food is trail mix. It is a simple combination of several types of cereal, nuts, candy, pretzels and dried fruits. The recipe is similar to Chex party mix and can be altered to fit your individual tastes and preferences. It is easy to storage and makes a nice low maintenance snack. These hiking foods are also high in nourishment value and easily obtained at your local grocery store.

If you are going to be hiking for any length of time, please remember to bring bottled water. Sports drinks are also a good thing to have available, but nothing refreshes or quenches your thirst the same way as water will. Appropriate hiking food and water are definite must have items before you start your hiking journey.

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