Friday, August 10, 2007

Hiking Shoes

Hiking shoes are one of the most important pieces of hiking equipment that you will need to choose. The type of hiking shoe that you will need will depend on the type of hiking you are planning, including the type of hiking trail and the distance you plan to cover during your hike.

If you are planning a short hike that involves a flat hiking trail with low exposure to bad weather, a simple hiking shoe will most likely be plenty of foot protection. For a longer hike on a more complicated hiking trail which may include rough terrain and a higher chance of exposure to more severe weather, a rugged hiking shoe would be a better choice.

A good tip when planning to shop for hiking shoes is to go late in the day so your feet are at their largest. Don't forget to bring any inserts that you normally wear in your regular shoes and the same socks that you will be wearing on your hike. This way you can try on several types of hiking shoes and be more confident of a good fit.

Ideally, hiking shoes will be more effective if they fit snugly to your feet. Make sure that your toes aren't cramped and that you have enough room to comfortably move your toes in the tip of the hiking shoes. Lace up the hiking shoes securely and walk around a bit to see how they might perform as your hike progresses. This won't be a definitive test, but it will give you some idea of how your feet might respond during the hike.

When shopping for hiking shoes, be sure to look for comfort and durability. Your feet will thank you.

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